It Happened Here is a location-based interactive app for users to learn and write about historical events in San Francisco.
My role: Initial idea, user flow and main features design, UI and graphics for main page, front-end development with JavaScript/ jQuery/CSS and Google Maps API.
Team: Consisted of 5 members. We went through sprints of design, front and back-end development in 3 weeks.
Target user groups:
1. History buffs who would like to exchange knowledge with their fellow hobbyists.
2. Young professinals who moved from out of town actively seek weekend pastimes.
The app dectects users’ current location and displays it on a map. Users can click on icons on the map and be brought to historic trivia stories related to the place.
Content can be filtered with category tags.
Users can register a personal account in order to contribute contents with a form.
App can be easily used on both desktop and mobile devices.
Initial draft consists of main features including map, search function by time and category tags, signup and login page, ‘submit event’ form.
Color scheme:
A complementary color palette, inspired by design trends from the late 19th century.
Technologies used: Ruby on Rails, JavaScript (front end), AJAX, Google Maps, jQuery and PostgreSQL.
Mobile version demo: